Practical information

Weather in Tuscany month by month

weather in tuscanyHow many times did you ask yourself about weather in Tuscany? Is it better in spring or autumn, or maybe in summer? It is not an easy question, because of many difference that you can find in the region (seaside, mountains, cities, forests…). But we can give you a general idea about the weather in Tuscany month by month. Keep in mind that every year is different so these descriptions are not definitive and only give you an idea of what to expect.

Weather in Tuscany month by month:

January. January is the coolest month in Tuscany. The weather in Tuscany is often sunny, days are mild, but nights are cold, particularly in hill areas where the temperature goes below zero. In the mountains snow is common and attracts skiers. Average temperature: 3°C – 11°C.

February. February is the second coolest month in Tuscany very similar to January. Average temperature: 3°C – 13°C.

March. March generally is quite rainy and wet month. Average temperature: 6°C – 16°C.

April. April is a good month to visit Tuscany. Weather in Tuscany is generally good, with sunny days and some rainy days as well, but not too wet. Average temperature: 8°C – 19°C.

May. May is one of the best months to visit Tuscany. Weather in Tuscany is good, with most sunny days and only few rainy days as well. The temperature sometimes reaches 30°C. Average temperature: 12°C – 23°C.

June. June mostly offers both warm weather without being too hot. Of course, there are always exceptions! June is one of the best months to visit Tuscany. Average temperature: 15°C – 27°C.

July. July is one of the hotest months in Tuscany. The weather in Tuscany is very hot during this month, generally it doesn‘t rain. Anyway it‘s not the best month to visit Tuscany unless you will stay on the seacoast. Average temperature: 18°C – 30°C.

August. August is one of the hotest months in Tuscany. The weather in Tuscany is very hot during this month, generally it doesn‘t rain. Anyway it‘s not the best month to visit Tuscany unless you will stay on the sea coast. Average temperature: 17°C – 30°C.

September. September mostly offers both warm weather without being too hot or too rainy. September is one of the best months to visit Tuscany. Average temperature: 15°C – 27°C.

October. October is a a good months to visit Tuscany: it has sunny days, with some rainy days as well. Average temperature: 11°C – 22°C.

November. November is the month with the most precipitation. It‘s not the best month to visit Tuscany. Average temperature: 7°C – 16°C.

December. December is quite cool month but sometimes the temperature reaches even 15°C – 20°C. It offers sunny, mild days but nights are cold, it rains quite a lot too. Average temperature: 4°C – 12°C.

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