
What to eat in Pisa?

Spaghetti alle arselePisan cuisine is an excellent combination of land and sea recipes. But when you are in a restaurant, it is quite difficult to choose what to eat in Pisa. The typical Pisan cuisine is formed from recipes deriving from land, sea and fresh water, with minor variations being applied from one locality to another. Many Pisan dishes are easily prepared with simple ingredients, and delicious. So after visiting the leaning tower and other beauties of the city, what to eat in Pisa?


Crostini neri e bruschette. Tosted bread slices with various pate (liver, tomatoes, beans…).

Affettati misti. Mix of various types of ham, sausage and salami.

Formaggi misti. Mix of variuos types of local cheese, for example, pecorino baccellone, pecorino pisano, pecorino del Parco di Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli.

Primi piatti

Spaghetti / tagliolini con le arselle. Spaghetti o tagliolini type pasta with clams, drown out from the rivers’ frith near Pisa.

Ravioli al mucco pisano. Dumplings filled with ragù made of the typical pisan breed meat. Main characteristic of the mucco pisano is the flavour of its meat: intense and particularly tasty.

Zuppa alla pisana (bordatino). It is a very famous and very tasty soup made with corn flour, beans and kale.

Secondi piatti

Mucco pisano al pepe nero. It is typical pisan breed steak with a lot of peper.

Trippa pisana. Veal tripe and tomatos soup.

Stoccafisso alla pisana. Dried hard codfish stew with onions, early potatoes and tomatoes.


Torta co’ bischeri. Rice and chocolate pie, flavored with pine nuts, raisins and candied fruit.

Biscotti di formaggio. Cheese biscuits.

Dolce di Kinzica. Ball-shaped pudding made with pine-nut pastry and dusted with icing sugar.